Windows Home Server takes final bow, Windows Server 2012 Essentials through casting calls (expensive)

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Being on the sidelines of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 version of the plan is the bomb for the enthusiast PC media server: Windows Home Server will leave. Although the platform has been in something of a coma after his collapse HP MediaSmart server and OS without abandoning the major vendors for the winning cause, the question that says stand alone building will go well. Windows Server 2012 Essentials is taking place and will address both the media server as well as the work of a small business server in a single package. That's all well and ideal, except that Essentials is currently priced at $ 425 - nearly 10 times the typical $ 50 street price of Windows Home Server.

We give a hand for Microsoft to approve prices if it's media server vendor or media PC enthusiast boyfriend will bear the cost. I hope not, we will have until the end of 2013 to buy a stand-alone copy of Windows Home Server (and all year long for OEM 2025 is very conservative), but switching from a goal can lead to some fans of the network media sharing on a separate float.

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