Nintendo 3DS debut a new variant to the Hong Kong and Taiwan markets in hot summer colors
Daftar isi [Tampil]
Nintendo is bringing two new lots of colors 3DS to Hong Kong
and Taiwan markets as handheld officially presented in September. An example is
"Cerulean Blue", while the other is the "Pink Shimmer"
which will hit stores in Hong Kong and Taiwan. While there are blue and pink
models are available elsewhere, "Cerulean" looks a lot brighter than
"Aqua" today, while "Shimmer" is much more heat than the
existing "Pink Pearl".
Note this is a new color for the issue of the
"standard" of 3DS. 3DS XL, which bring with them, will present in the
region in white and blue / black. If one wants to buy Christmas presents
Michael Fahey, well, this time pink DS already know the day is more ideal. No
word from Nintendo so far on whether it will follow the model of
Aubergine-colored to the United States.
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