It-yourself service run by Fujitsu PC starts, making you go homebrew without electric shock

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Most popular PC companies are often seen as opposed to the concept of custom-built computer, but to abandon us tick a box for some time before we ordered, they would rather we did not play around with the internals. Fujitsu is breaking the mold and took some of the DIY culture with the upcoming Service Hands-on Custom PC Assembly. Japanese people can take classes that teach you how to install their picks (from a limited range) processor, hard drive and RAM. While the program does not start completely from scratch - the motherboard is already installed - required candidates assemblers through a lot of experience building their own PC from bottom to top.

Builders can specify how many components, if they are not very brave, smart and try to practice as anti-static bracelet bearing. Even though there will not be as much unintentional vibration power as the real deal, the course must accompany the owner to feel comfortable and quiet PC activity on the computer - not to mention saving a few Fujitsu technical support calls. Variable-price of the course began in Japan on August 9 for desktop Esprimo and LifeBook several portable. We can only hope that the U.S. PC vendor takes some inner way and encourage everyone technicians.

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